About the Organizers

Compute Ontario (CO) is funded by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to bring together the many partners and stakeholders in Ontario’s DRI ecosystem to coordinate provincial and federal investments and strategy for digital research infrastructure. We are a trusted source of unbiased, strategic advice and leadership. Compute Ontario coordinates infrastructure funding and skills development initiatives, as well as the operation and delivery of digital research systems and services.

SciNet is the supercomputer centre at the University of Toronto, hosting Niagara, one of the fastest supercomputers in Canada, as well as other systems. SciNet provides Canadian researchers with computational resources and expertise necessary to perform their research, and offers them free training on advanced research computing skills and knowledge.

SHARCNET, which stands for Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network, is a high-performance computing consortium based in Ontario, Canada. It provides advanced computational resources and expertise to researchers from various disciplines, enabling them to tackle complex scientific and engineering problems. SHARCNET's distributed computing infrastructure spans multiple institutions, offering researchers access to supercomputers and clusters for parallel computing and data-intensive applications.

The Centre for Advanced Computing (CAC) is a data centre and cognitive analytics hub that enables access to DRI tools and services. We offer high-performance compute (HPC) resources with a high uptime. A key feature of the CAC is our commitment to security. Our security framework offers researchers one of the most secure academic research environments in Canada. In addition to traditional HPC resources, the CAC offers professional-quality software design and development for data analytics, cognitive computing, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. The CAC supports clients from academia, clinical, not-for-profit, and industry sectors to deliver successful solutions that help solve real-world challenges.