• Welcome!

    This Compute Ontario Advanced Research Computing (ARC) Training portal provides information, tutorials, activities, and courses to researchers using supported systems and services. In addition to Compute Ontario affiliated researchers at affiliated institutions, supported researchers include all researchers at Canadian institutions affliliated with the Digital Research Alliance of Canada and its partner/member institutions.

    • COSS 2024 Courses Are Still Available
      • Although Compute Ontario Summer School 2024 has ended, you can still access the course materials, recordings, etc. online by registering in the course.
      Verifying a certificate was issued by us:
      • Starting with Compute Ontario Summer School 2023, awarded certificates from this web site can be verified via the QRCode or using the verification code on the certificate via https://training.computeontario.ca/courses/admin/tool/certificate/index.php.
      • Should there be any concerns, issues, questions, etc. please contact us by sending an email to support@tech.alliancecan.ca with Compute Ontario in the subject and suitable content expressing concerns, explaining issues, asking questions, etc. as is appropriate.