Enrolment options

This session provides an overview of the Research Data Management (RDM) Services offered by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, including the DMP Assistant, a national, bilingual platform for the creation and management of data management plans (DMPs), the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), a bilingual publishing platform for sharing and preserving Canadian research data, and Lunaris, Canada’s national discovery service for multidisciplinary data from over 90 academic, government, and research repositories across the country. This session will introduce participants to these platforms and provide an overview of how they support the research lifecycle. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the benefits of these tools and how they can help researchers to streamline their data management workflows.

Presenter Biographies:

  • Neha Milan serves as the Product Lead for the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), a pivotal role that sees her overseeing the ongoing design and development of the FRDR platform. Based at the University of Saskatchewan, Neha is at the forefront of the FRDR Sensitive Data Pilot Project, steering its direction and implementation.
  • Laura Gerlitz is a Curation Officer for the Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR), based out of Edmonton, Alberta. With a background in library and information studies and digital humanities, Laura specializes in metadata for the FRDR platform.
  • Shlomi Linoy is a Research Data Analyst and Data Discovery Metadata Specialist at McMaster University, specializing in data discovery metadata for the Lunaris platform.
  • Marcus Closen works on the DMP service team for the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. He is in the late stages of completing a PhD in political science at the University of Toronto (working with mixed-methods, as well as side projects in machine learning applications) and holds a masters degree from the University of Manitoba.

Level: Introductory

Length: 1.5 Hours

Format: Lecture

Prerequisites: None

Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)