Enrolment options

This session will provide participants with information, guidance, and resources for supporting research through the development and implementation of data management plans (DMPs). General topics covered will include the importance and benefits of DMPs, their content, and impending DMP requirements relating to the Tri-Agency research data management (RDM) policy. Specific focus will be given to the Digital Research Alliance of Canada DMP Assistant platform that is hosted nationally at the University of Alberta Library, along with a new DMP template developed by the Alliance’s DMP Expert Group (DMPEG). This new template is targeted specifically to support researchers in meeting DMP requirements at the funding opportunity application stage. Additional information relating to an accompanying assessment rubric that is currently in development will be shared. Time will be reserved for questions and discussion.

Biography: James Doiron is the Research Data Management Strategies Director, University of Alberta Library, and Academic Director of the UofA Research Data Centre. Locally, James serves on UofA’s Institutional Research Data Management Strategy Working Group (chair), Indigenous Research Strategy Task Force, and Health Research Ethics Board. Nationally, he serves as a member of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network Board of Directors and is co-chair of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada’s Data Management Planning (DMP) Expert Group.

Level: Introductory

Length: 1.5 Hours

Format: Lecture

Prerequisites: None

Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)