Enrolment options

In our digitally-driven world, databases are the cornerstone of virtually every online service and application. They help store your favourite songs on music platforms, track orders on shopping sites, and keep your personal information safe and sound. These incredible systems are the backbone of our digital universe, silently and efficiently managing the vast oceans of data that flow through our daily lives. From the social media sites we share with our friends to the online transactions that make our lives easier, databases are the unsung heroes, diligently organizing, storing, and retrieving information with remarkable precision. Whether you're a technical professional or just beginning to explore data management, the journey into the realm of databases is both enlightening and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for discovery and innovation. Together, we will explore the secrets that make our connected world tick.

Level: Introductory

Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days)

Format: Lecture+Hands-on


  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Installation of MySQL on one's personal computer
Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)