Enrolment options

Bioinformatics, the interdisciplinary field at the intersection of biology and computational science, has revolutionized our understanding of life processes. In this one-day course, we will first tune your HPC knowledge/skills towards bioinformatics computing. Then a typical metagenomics pipeline will be explored to introduce common tools used in bioinformatic analysis and to show how they can be run in an HPC environment. Join us for an immersive day of hands-on exploration in the captivating world of bioinformatics and metagenomics!

Level: Introductory

Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions

Format: Lecture + Hands-on


  • Alliance Account
  • Basic understanding of biology and familiarity with Unix shells (e.g. bash, zsh, etc.).
Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)