All 2023 Compute Ontario Summer School-wide notices, e.g., reminders about course registrations, will posted in this forum. If you would like to receive posts via email, then (i) if you are not already, log in to this site, and (ii) click the button below to enrol to receive messages. (NOTE: If you are already enrolled in any 2023 Compute Ontario Summer School course, you are automatically enrolled to receive messages. Also one can unsubscribe from receiving messages even if automatically enrolled --instructions are on the main General Notices page.)
- Teacher: Ed Armstrong
- Teacher: Erin Clary
- Teacher: Peter Darveau
- Teacher: Alexey Fedoseev
- Teacher: Baolai Ge
- Teacher: Meghan Goodchild
- Teacher: Mark Goodwin
- Teacher: Weiguang Guan
- Teacher: Lina Harper
- Teacher: Fernando Jose Hernandez Leiva
- Teacher: Jemmy Hu
- Teacher: Shadi Khalifa
- Teacher: Amal Khalil
- Teacher: Amber Leahey
- Teacher: Sergey Mashchenko
- Teacher: Yohai Meiron
- Teacher: Neha Milan
- Teacher: Tamanna Moharana
- Teacher: Jeff Moon
- Teacher: Bruno Mundim
- Teacher: Pawel Pomorski
- Teacher: Paul Preney
- Teacher: Sridhar Ravichandran
- Teacher: Marco Saldarriaga
- Teacher: Victoria Smith
- Teacher: Armin Sobhani
- Teacher: Erik Spence
- Teacher: Rakesh Srirajaraghavaraju
- Teacher: Kristi Thompson
- Teacher: Jarno van der Kolk
- Teacher: Ramses van Zon
- Teacher: Shiloh Williams
- Teacher: James Willis
- Teacher: Qian Zhang