Enrolment options

Have you ever tried to run someone else’s code and it just didn’t work? Have you ever been lost interpreting your colleague’s data? This hands-on session will provide researchers with tools and techniques to make their research process more transparent and reusable in remote computing environments. You’ll be using platforms like JupyterHub and command-line tools like Bash and Docker in a Linux environment to interact with the material through various exercises and examples.

In this workshop, you’ll learn about:

  • organizing your file directories
  • writing readable metadata with README files
  • automating your workflow with scripts
  • capture and share your computational environment

Level: Introductory

Length: 3 hours

Format: Lecture + Hands-on

Prerequisites: Initial familiarity with command line tools and/or a Linux environment may be beneficial but not mandatory 

Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)